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The Virtuoso Fighting Arts is a unique martial arts concept specializing in offensive and defensive "Assault Survival" skills, whether technical, conceptual or even philosophical.


Virtuoso Fighting Arts is a unique martial arts concept specializing in offensive and defensive "assault survival" skills, whether technical, conceptual or even philosophical.

Founder and internationally certified head instructor Michael Fath employs, as its base system, Krav Maga, the renowned Israeli martial art that has clearly become the main focus for much of the world's military, special forces and police training, especially in the USA, Europe and of course Israel. Krav Maga has also proven itself within our civilian communities, as well as numerous corporate and private business sectors.

In today's changing climate with regards to homeland security, gang violence and an over-all "fight culture" both here and abroad, many find it wanting and necessary to develop the skills essential to survive an assault, escaping without irreparable harm. Unless one has been attacked, one has no clue, the time-honored "out of sight-out of mind" mantra. However, where is the next terrorist offensive? Many experts fear that it will be our shopping malls, mass transit, schools, etc., where the environment is very relaxed and unguarded.

The USA, and especially its martial arts community, has become a nation of advancement, with many times little regard to actual skill. While there are legitimate academies, promoting only on merit, there are far too many doing so with attention paid only towards pressure from either parents or even students, with, of course, money being the prime motivator.

The term "self-defense" has received a bad connotation as being all too often associated with these particularly deceptive schools, never mind the less than expert instruction. It is true, however, that there are many highly qualified places to train, with meticulous and experienced instruction. One only needs to do the research, find a convenient school and take a few classes to immediately know. It should not be any more difficult.

Of course there is no greater testimonial than referrals.