Why is Krav Maga perfect for women?

Krav Maga is especially perfect for women in that it relies on the “hard tissue versus soft tissue” principle. For example, any size girl can literally incapacitate any size man by an effective strike to his throat, as it takes very little pressure to do so. As well, a woman’s knees have the possibility of 25,000 pounds of force, enough to lift a car, and certainly enough to bring down the most aggressive of attackers, with a strike to the groin or sternum. Her elbows are similar, and will be trained to be a most effective, especially when grabbed.


Krav Maga also retrains, when necessary, the natural survival reactions we possess that simply do not work. For example, if a woman is getting choked, grabbing her throat (which is totally instinctive) will do nothing, in most cases; however, with an extremely simple Krav Maga counter, she will not only free herself but also inflict enough damage to effectively escape. Krav Maga is just that…simply effective and very logical!