Krav Maga and Training Alone.

Having been a student and instructor of Krav Maga for many years, I have often been asked how I continue and further my training, especially since I outrank the local and regional Krav instructors, and that my Israeli Sensei is in this country only a couple of times a year, and my other main source is on the West Coast (I live in Northern, VA).

The easy answer is that I learn from everyone; students, the aforementioned instructors, and since I am a huge believer in ancillary education, there are always other styles and arts that can enhance one’s training regimen.

Currently I am training with a former Marine Special Forces Colonel in the sacred art of Krav Sakeen, amongst other nefarious ways of combat.  My big brother has simply seen and done it all.

As well, my Brazilian JiuJitsu training is taught by another very close friend and brother, and we find time, certain Saturday evenings, to just get on the mat and go.

Lastly, one of my Krav students and I regularly train with a professional MMA fighter and Kali instructor…needless to say, the wrestling, JiuJitsu, Muay Thai, boxing, grappling and Filipino arts are all an integral part of my education.

However, the greatest asset I possess is “time spent in the trenches”…here is where there is no substitute.  My Sensei can show me something entirely new, and it’s only a matter of seconds before I’m “there”.  I can watch certain videos and understand them completely.  This only comes with time…so, the moral of this story is to train in Krav Maga as much as possible, on a regular basis, and see where it all leads…let your instincts guide the way.