Krav Maga needs a “curved” counterpart…

In terms of being the least complicated, most direct and greatest method of self-defense going, I would not argue against Krav Maga. Simplicity was the very basis for its genesis, and, with a few weeks of intensive training, Krav’s first Israeli Army students, more than 50 years ago, found themselves acquiring life-saving skills very quickly and most efficiently, thus proving its original concepts and philosophy.

I am well into my second decade of studying and instructing this unique martial art, now having attained Israeli certified 3rd degree black belt status; thusly, I am quite skilled, but my very nature tells me there is always more, so much more!

While Krav’s linear and kinetic approach is very effective, this “straight-line” concept can have its disadvantages, as with every martial art, quite frankly. For example, some attackers simply do not go down with an elbow to the face and knee to the groin; I’ve seen it, and have experienced it. Their pain threshold, especially if alcohol (or PCP) infused, is extremely high, which makes them extremely dangerous. A 100-pound woman might only further enrage her assailant by re-arranging his nose with her elbow, as the Krav Maga technique of escaping a frontal choke assault has taught her. While this skill may work for me, as I am quick and “creative”, it could be trouble for said female.

This is not to diminish, whatsoever, the merits of this Israeli method of hand-to-hand combat; it’s quite effective and brutal, which is more often than not truly required. I would suggest, however, that all should supplement their training with some kind of “curved-line” or circular martial art. Much the same as a boxer whose left jab and right cross straights are direct and to the point, so to speak; a great hook and upper-cut (both circular) are brilliant compliments.

There are several wonderful curved-style martial arts, most notably: the myriad of Japanese JuJutsu systems, Korea’s Hapkido, numerous Filipino arts including the blended Jeet Kune Do (Chinese influenced ala Bruce Lee) along with their culture of weapons and training, Kung Fu, etc.; ALL incorporating hard and soft style techniques.

Find a Krav Maga teacher that employs both linear and curved approaches, someone with real experience and skill, and your training will be so much more interesting and complete!